The Masterfoods company reports that bags of Peanut Butter MM's contain 10% of each brown and red ca

Question: The Masterfoods company reports that bags of Peanut Butter M&M's contain 10% of each brown and red candies, and 20% each yellow, blue, and orange candies. The rest of the candies are green.

a. If you pick a Peanut Butter M&M at random, what is the probability that
i. it is green?
ii. it is a primary color (red, yellow, or blue)?
iii. it is not orange?

b. If you pick four M&M's in a row, what is the probability that
i. they are all blue?
ii. none are green?
iii. at least one is red?
iv. the fourth one is the first one that is brown?

Price: $2.99
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