During typical 5 years the average number of new cancer cases of certain type in Charlotte was 60. A
Question: During typical 5 years the average number of new cancer cases of certain type in Charlotte was 60. Assume that the number of new cancer cases can be well modeled using Poisson distribution. If conditions for the disease are similar during 2014, how high is the chance that 10 or more cases will be observed this year (use table on next page )? Justify your answer.
Poisson distribution P(X≤K)k µ=6 µ=12 µ=24
0 0.00248 0.00001 3.7751E-11
1 0.01735 0.00008 9.4378E-10
2 0.06197 0.00052 .000000012
3 0.15120 0.00229 .000000099
4 0.28506 0.00760 .000000621
5 0.44568 0.02034 .000003126
6 0.60630 0.04582 .000013146
7 0.74398 0.08950 .000047500
8 0.84724 0.15503 .000150563
9 0.91608 0.24239 .000425397
10 0.95738 0.34723 .001084999
11 0.97991 0.46160 .002524130
12 0.99117 0.57597 .005402392
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