For this part of the project you will need to access the National Vital Statistics Report found in a
Question: For this part of the project you will need to access the National Vital Statistics Report found in a subfolder within the Project 1 folder under “lessons” on the WAOL Angel course website. Use the preliminary data for 2007 in this report to answer the following questions:
a. In what percent of the total number of live births was the birth mother American Indian or Alaskan Native?
b. In what percent of the total number of live births was the birth mother Black and it was her 3rd child?
c. What percent of the children that were the 3rd child, born to White mothers?
d. Of the mothers that were 40-44 years old, what percent had 3 or more children?
e. Construct a bar graph for the number of live births by age interval.
f. Construct a histogram for the birth rates for the states and the U.S. territories.
g. Construct a segmented bar graph to compare the birth distributions by age interval for each race designation ( i.e. Non-Hispanic white, Non-Hispanic Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic). Are the age distributions the same for each race designation?
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