The employees of a company were surveyed on questions regarding their educational background and gen

Question: The employees of a company were surveyed on questions regarding their educational background and gender. Out of a total of 500 women employees, 250 had college degrees. Out of a total of 500 men employees, 150 had college degrees.

(a) Set up a 2 X 2 contingency table to evaluate the probabilities.

(b) Give an example of a simple event.

(c) Give an example of a joint event.

(d) What is the complement of the event: employee with a college degree?

If a customer is selected at random,

(e) What is the probability that the employee is a woman?

(f) What is the probability that the employee has a college degree?

(g) What is the probability that the employee is a woman and has a college degree?

(h) What is the probability that the employee is a woman or has a college degree?

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