A yield improvement study at a semiconductor manufacturing facility provided defect data for a samp
Question: A yield improvement study at a semiconductor manufacturing facility provided defect data for a sample of 450 wafers. The following table presents a summary of the responses to two questions: "Were particles found on the die that produced the wafer?" and "Is the wafer good or bad?"
WAFER | No Particles | Particles | Totals |
Good | 320 | 14 | 334 |
Bad | 80 | 36 | 116 |
Totals | 400 | 50 | 450 |
Source: S. W Hall, Analysis of Defectivity of Semiconductor Wafers by Contingency Table, Proceedings Institute of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 1 (1994), 177-183.
(a) Suppose you know that a wafer is bad. What then is the probability that it was produced from a die that had particles?
(b) Suppose you know that a wafer is good. What then is the probability that it was produced from a die that had particles?
(c) Are the two events, a good wafer and a die with no particle, statistically independent? Explain.
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