A new postoperative procedure is administered to a number of patients in a large hospital.

Question: (16 pts) A new postoperative procedure is administered to a number of patients in a large hospital. A researcher selected nurses and doctors and asked which procedure each person preferred. The results are:

Prefer New Procedure Prefer Old Procedure No Preference Total
Nurses 100 80 20 200
Doctors 50 120 30 200
Total 150 200 50 400

Use the following notation for the various events: N = Nurse, D = Doctor, PN = prefer new procedure, PO = prefer old procedure, NP = no preference. Find the following probabilities for a person selected at random from this sample of 400 people.

a.) P(N)

b.) P(D)

c.) P(PN)

d.) P(N | PN)

e.) P(D | PN)

f.) P(PO | N)

g.) P(PO | D)

h.) P(N and PN)

i.) P(D and NP)

j.) P(PN or NP)

k.) Are the events PN = prefer new procedure and NP = no preference mutually exclusive? Why or why not?

l.) Are the events PN = prefer new procedure and NP = no preference complementary events? Why or why not?

m.) Are the events N = nurse and PN = prefer new procedure independent? Why or why not? Justify using the formula that is used to prove if two events are independent or not.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 4 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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