Solution) a. You are the manufacturer of two sizes of frammits, large and small. You have a machine that can s


a. You are the manufacturer of two sizes of frammits, large and small. You have a machine that can spray paint frammits. If it were spraying just the large frammits, it could paint 500 per shift. However, if it were spraying just the small frammits, this number would jump to 750 -- but it could do a combination of both in the same ratios. Set up the constraint that will hold the ratio, not more than, nor less than.

b. A seafood processor can sell crabs as either plain dressed crabs for 70¢ each or as crab salad for $6.20 per pound. The crabs come from the crab watermen at 30¢ each. Each pound of crab salad requires 6 crabs. Set up the mini-objective function and the constraint(s) that will handle the crab and crab salad mix and yet achieve maximum profits.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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