The Totally Fine Clock Refinishing Company located in the Woodside, DE metroplex repairs and refurbi
Question: The Totally Fine Clock Refinishing Company located in the Woodside, DE metroplex repairs and refurbishes antique 17th century clocks. As these clocks arrive for repair, they are assigned on a rotating basis to one of three Timepiece Technicians (TT’s). Once a clock has been assigned to a TT, it will not be reassigned to another. Arrival and service distribution rates are random. There are 33 clocks arriving in the shop each month. Each TT can complete 2 clocks each day. There are 20 working days in a month.
a. What will be the average length of time a clock will remain in the shop?
b. On average, how many clocks will be awaiting service?
c. How would you answer the above questions if each clock were assigned to the next available TT?
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