Shipping Grain: Sadeghian Cereal Company is in the business of buying and selling grains. An importa

Question: Shipping Grain: Sadeghian Cereal Company is in the business of buying and selling grains. An important aspect of the company's business is arranging for the purchased grain to be shipped to customers. If the company can keep freight costs low, its profitability will be improved. Currently, the company has purchased three railcars of grain at Peoria, seven railcars at Iowa City, and six railcars at Lawrence. Fourteen carloads of grain have been sold. The locations and the amount sold at each location are as follows:

Location Railcar Loads
Augusta 2
Gainsville 4
Oxford 3
Columbia 5

All shipments must be routed through either Louisville or Dayton. Shown below are the shipping costs per railcar from the origins to Louisville and Dayton and the cost per railcar to ship from Louisville and Dayton to the destinations.

Louisville Dayton
Peoria 1800 1500
Iowa City 1400 1900
Lawrence 1200 1600
Augusta Gainesville Oxford Columbia
Louisville 4400 3600 3300 3200
Dayton 4200 3500 3100 2700

Requirement: Determine the shipping schedule that will minimize the freight costs necessary to satisfy demand.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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