Solution) Powers Tire Company (which specializes in tires for vehicles ca. 1965) needs your expertise to help

Question: Powers Tire Company (which specializes in tires for vehicles ca. 1965) needs your expertise to help them schedule over the next three months. They can make tires using regular labor, overtime labor, or subcontracting. Their capacities (in tires) are as follows: 700/month for regular labor, 50/mo. for overtime labor, and 150/mo. for subcontracted labor in March and April, and 130/mo. for subcontracted labor for May. It costs $40/tire to produce with regular labor, $50/tire with overtime, and $70/tire with subcontracting. It costs $2/tire/month to carry a tire in inventory. Tires can be produced only for the current or future periods, e.g., tires cannot be produced in May to fill demand in April. Demands for the next three periods are 800, 1000, and 750, for March, April, and May, respectively, and all demand must be met.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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