The following table presents the monthly sales index of breakfast cereals of the Tasty Food Company

Question: The following table presents the monthly sales index of breakfast cereals of the Tasty Food Company for 2000 and three other time series for the same period. Indicate which time series is a (a) coincident indicator. (b) leading indicator (c) lagging indicator

* You do not need to calculate the lead time or the lag time.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
Index of cereal sales 110 130 125 120 130 135
Time Series A 50 60 56 54 60 62
Time Series B 140 130 145 150 170 160
Time Series C 100 100 120 115 110 120
Month 7 8 9 10 11 12
Index of cereal sales 150 140 150 130 120 110
Time Series A 70 65 70 60 54 50
Time Series B 165 170 145 143 136 135
Time Series C 125 120 125 115 110 100
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