George Nanchoff owns a gas station. The cars arrive at the gas station according to the following in

Question: George Nanchoff owns a gas station. The cars arrive at the gas station according to the following inter-arrival time distribution. The time to service a car is given by the following service time distribution. Using the following random number sequence: 92, 44, 15, 97, 21, 80, 38, 64, 74, 08, estimate the average customer waiting time , average teller idle time and the average time a car spends in the system.

Interarrival times (in min.) P(X) Random Numbers Service time (in minutes) P (X) Random Numbers
4 .35 00-34 2 .30 00-29
7 .25 35-59 4 .40 30-69
10 .30 60-89 6 .20 70-89
20 .10 90-99 8 .10 90-99
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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