Time period value Time period Value 1 27 6 66 2 31 7 71 3 58 8 8

Question: Problem 1

Time period value Time period Value
1 27 6 66
2 31 7 71
3 58 8 86
4 63 9 101
5 59 10 97

a. Develop forecasts for periods 5 through 10 using 4 month moving averages

b. Develop forecasts for periods 5 through 10 using 4 month weighted moving averages. Weigh the most recent month by a factor of 4, the previous month by 2, and the other months by 1.

c. Compute the errors of the forecasts in parts a and b and observe the difference in the errors forecast by the 2 different techniques.

Hint for question (c): Compare the errors on the basis of the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)?http://edugen.wiley.com/edugen/courses/crs1396/art/common/pixel.png

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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