Solution) Consider the following jobs to be performed on a single assembly line. Tas

Question: Problem 3 (12 points )

Consider the following jobs to be performed on a single assembly line.

Task Task time (sec.) Immediate predecessor
A 40 ---
B 30 ---
C 20 B
D 25 B
E 15 C
F 20 D

(a.) What is the minimum possible cycle time (CT) achievable, and what is the associated output rate for this cycle time?

(b.) Consider a single, eight hour shift (fully utilized, and in steady state). What must CT be, in minutes, to achieve a desired output of 576 units during the shift?

(c.) With the cycle time you obtained in (b.), use the longest task time rule (POM’s default rule) to balance the line. How many work stations will you use and how are the tasks assigned?

(d.) Suppose only two workers show up. How do you most effectively assign the jobs to these 2 persons? Justify your answer.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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