Material Blending. Missouri Mineral Products (MMP) purchases two unprocessed ores from Bolivia Minin

Question: Material Blending. Missouri Mineral Products (MMP) purchases two unprocessed ores from Bolivia Mining, which is used in the production of various compounds. Its current needs are for 800 lbs of copper, 600 lbs of zinc and 500 lbs of iron. The amount of each mineral found in each 100 lbs of unprocessed ores and MMP's cost per 100 lbs are given in the following table.

a. Formulate and solve a linear program to determine the amount of each ore that should be purchased in order to minimize the total purchase costs.

b. Calculate and interpret the range of optimality for the cost of 100 lbs of each unprocessed ore.

c. Suppose the cost of Sucre Ore was $250 per 100 lbs. Why would the solution in part (a) not be optimal? What is the reduced cost for Sucre ore in this case/ Explain.

d. Calculate and interpret the shadow prices and the range of feasibility for the requirements for copper, zinc and iron.

e. Suppose a constraint were added that required that waste be limited to a maximum of 1000 lbs. Characterize this revised problem.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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