Software associates (SA) is a computer software consulting firm that specializes in designing and im

Question: Software associates (SA) is a computer software consulting firm that specializes in designing and implementing integrated marketing database warehousing programs. Humphrey catalog is a client. In preparing its bid for Humphrey SA estimates its total labor cost for this project to be $222,500, broken down as follows:

Budgeted hours budgeted wage budgeted costs

Partner 100 $175 $17,500

Associate 300 120 36,000

Senior analyst 600 90 54,000

Analyst 1000 40 40,000

Programmer 3000 25 75,000

Total 222,500

After the completion of the Humphrey contract the following data are reported:

Actual Hours Actual Cost

Partner 90 $15,750

Associate 280 35,000

Senior analyst 750 63,750

Analyst 1400 49,000

Programmer 3600 82,000


Total $246,300


a. Prepare a performance report for the Humphrey catalog project

b. Offer a plausible explanation for SA’s performance on the Humphrey project.

Price: $2.99
See Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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