Techware Incorporated is considering the introduction of two new software products to the market. In

Question: Techware Incorporated is considering the introduction of two new software products to the market. In particular, the company has four options regarding these two proposed products: introduce neither product, introduce product 1 only, introduce product 2 only, or introduce both products. Research and development costs for products 1 and 2 are $180,000 and $150,000,

respectively. Note that the first option entails no costs because research and development efforts have not yet begun. The success of these software products depends on the trend of the national economy in the coming year and on the consumers’ reaction to these products. The company’s revenues earned by introducing product 1 only, product 2 only, or both products in various states of the national economy are given in thefile P07_38.xlsx. The probabilities of observing a strong, fair, and weak trend in the national economy in the coming year are 0.30, 0.50, and 0.20, respectively.

a. Formulate a payoff table that specifies Techware’s net revenue (in dollars) for each possible decision and each outcome with respect to the trend in the national economy.

b. Use PrecisionTree to identify the strategy that maximizes Techware’s expected net revenue from the given marketing opportunities.

Techware data
Trend in national economy
Strong Fair Weak
Decision Introduce neither product $0 $0 $0
Introduce Product 1 only $500,000 $260,000 $120,000
Introduce Product 2 only $420,000 $230,000 $110,000
Introduce both products $820,000 $390,000 $200,000
Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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