Use the following data to compute forecasts for the first two months of the following year using (a)

Question: Use the following data to compute forecasts for the first two months of the following year using (a) a three-period moving average and (b) exponential smoothing with alpha =0.2 and an initial forecast for January of 200.

Also, compute the measures of forecasting accuracy, MAD, MSE, and MAPE, in each case. Comment on the accuracy of the two forecasting methods and select one of the two methods providing appropriate justification.

Month Actual
January 200
February 135
March 195
April 197
May 310
June 175
July 155
August 130
September 220
October 277
November 235
December 208
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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