Consider the model for problem 14, page 334 of the textbook. The Management Scientist output is Figu

Question: Consider the model for problem 14, page 334 of the textbook. The Management Scientist output is Figure 8.20, page 336. Use it to answer the questions which follow. You must use the 100% rule for objective function coefficients and right hand side ranges where appropriate. Do not run the changed model. Assume that any changes given in the problem are the only changes being made in the model.

a) What is the optimal solution? What values of the decision variables lead to it? (3 points)

b) Suppose the coefficient of AM is changed to 10.35. Will the optimal solution change? Why or why not? (3 points)

c) Suppose the coefficient of BM is changed to 3.25. Will the optimal solution change? Why or why not?

d) Suppose the coefficient of BM is changed to 4.55, and that of BP to 10.75. Will the optimal solution change? Why or why not? (10 points)

e) Which resource is not completely used? (4 points)

f) Suppose the amount of assembly time increases to 1025 minutes. By how much will Digital Controls profits increase? (4 points)

g) Suppose the right hand side of the first constraint increases to 103 and the right hand side of the fourth constraint decreases to 1025. Will the dual prices of those constraints change? Why or why not? (10 points)

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Solution: The answer consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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