Project Management Jean Walker is making plans for spring break at the beaches in Florida. In apply
Question: Project Management
Jean Walker is making plans for spring break at the beaches in Florida. In applying techniques she learned in her quantitative methods class, she has identified the activities that are necessary to prepare for her trip.
a). Assume the following table lists the activities and the immediate predecessors. Draw the AON network for the project and find the critical path.
Activity Immediate Predecessor Time (Days)
A - 3B - 7
C A 4
D B 2
E C, D 5
F A 6
G E, F 3
b). Assume Jean has another trip plan, but does not know the deterministic durations for each activity of that trip plan. Using PERT method with three time estimates, the expected completion time of the trip was determined to be 40 days. The variance of the critical path is 9. If she wishes to set the due date for the completion of the trip plan so that there is a 0.90 probability of finishing on schedule, what should be this due date?
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