Waiting lines are common in service businesses. A. Where have you encountered waiting lines? B. Fo

Question: Waiting lines are common in service businesses.

A. Where have you encountered waiting lines?

B. For 3 different lines that you have encountered, describe them in terms of the channel and phase system, what type of arrival pattern you think exists, the waiting line characteristics and the service time distribution (take a good guess at these since you could not observe the exact form of each). For example, a line outside a professor’s office of students waiting to see the professor would be a single channel, single phase. The arrival would probably be a Poisson (since it is unlikely students would arrive at exactly 5 minute intervals), there is a FIFO service policy, there can be balking if the line is really long, and the service time is exponentially distributed (since each student requires a different amount of time to be serviced). Sorry, you can’t use that one as one of your examples now.

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