Estimated demand for gold-filled lockets at Sam's Bargain Jewelry and House wares is 2,420 lockets a

Question: Estimated demand for gold-filled lockets at Sam's Bargain Jewelry and House wares is 2,420 lockets a year. Manager Veronica Winters has indicated that ordering cost is $45, and that the following price schedule applies: 1 to 599 lockets, $.90 each; 600 to 1,199 lockets, $.80 each; and 1,200 or more, $.75 each. What order size will minimize total cost in each of these cases:

i) Carrying cost is $0.18 per locket on an annual basis.

ii) Carrying cost is 20 percent of price on an annual basis.

Price: $2.99
See Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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