The law firm Smith and jones is recruiting at law schools for new lawyers for the coming year. The f

Question: The law firm Smith and jones is recruiting at law schools for new lawyers for the coming year. The firm has developed the following estimate of the number of hours of casework it will need its new lawyers to handle each month for the following year:

Month Casework (hr.) Month Casework(hr.)

Jan 650 Jul 750

Feb 450 Aug 900

Mar 600 Sept 800

Apr 500 Oct 650

May 700 Nov 700

Jun 650 Dec 500

Each new lawyer the firm hires is expected to handle 150 hours per month of casework and to work all year. All casework must be completed by the end of the year. The firm wants to know how many new lawyers it should hire for the year.

a. Formulate a Linear programming model for this problem

b. Solve this model by using the computer

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