Solution) Read the article Welfare, Working Families, and Reauthorization: Mayors’ Views and summarize its mai

Question: Read the article Welfare, Working Families, and Reauthorization: Mayors’ Views and summarize its main points in a half page. Please submit your summary of the Mayors’ views in the Discussion Board and the Grade-book link for this class.


Traveling to work is an important aspect of our everyday work life. There are different modes of getting to work; we can drive, walk, and take the bus, the subway or different types of public transportation. We can also ride a bike or take a taxi. In Brooklyn, what is it? How do we compare to other boroughs? Are there any special difficulties for any one?

Source: US Bureau of the Census (2000)

According to data from the United Bureau of the Census, in 2000, about 52% of the residents of Brooklyn who went to work did so by taking some form of public transportation, mostly the bus and the subway. Less than 10% traveled in car pools, while a little over 20% drove alone. Compared to other boroughs, only Manhattan residents (60%) took public transportation to work to a greater degree than Brooklyn residents.

While New York City and the New York Metropolitan area has one of the best public transportation systems in the world, the journey to work could still be problematic for some segments of our society. Specifically, it is generally acknowledged that adequate transportation is a major barrier confronted by low-income workers and recipients of various forms of public assistance, as they seek to return to work. Inadequate transportation services when coupled with a lack of affordable childcare among low-income populations could create major impediment to obtaining and keeping jobs for low-income residents. This issue has been very important and has occupied the attention of policy makers and analysts since the era of welfare reform beginning from the Clinton Administration.

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See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
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