The Dub-Dub and Dub Company produces and markets three lines of WEB page designs: A, B, and C; A is

Question: The Dub-Dub and Dub Company produces and markets three lines of WEB page designs: A, B, and C; A is a standard WEB page design and B and C are professional WEB page designs. The manufacturing pro­cess for the WEB page designs is such that two development op­era­tions are required - all WEB page designs pass through both operations. Each WEB page design requires 3 hours of development time in Operation 1. In Opera­tion 2 WEB page design A requires 2 hours of development time; WEB page design B requires 4 hours; and WEB page design C re­quires 5 hours. Operation 1 has 50 hours of development time per week and Op­eration 2 has sufficient man­pow­er to support 80 hours of development per week. The mar­ket group for Dub-Dub and Dub has projected that the de­mand for the standard WEB page design will be no more than 25 per week. Because WEB page designs B and C are similar in quality, the com­bined demand for those WEB page designs has been forecast - the total demand is ten or more, but not more than 30 per week. The sale of WEB page design A results in $7 profit while WEB page design B and C provide $8 and $8.5 profits respectively. How many of WEB page designs A, B, and C should be pro­duced weekly if the company seeks to maximize profits? Formulate the problem as a standard LP model.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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