Solution) Suppose we have the following equations: Demand Curve: Q = -1450 - 25P + 12.5PX + 0.2 Y Supply Curve
Question: Suppose we have the following equations:
Demand Curve: Q = -1450 – 25P + 12.5PX + 0.2 Y
Supply Curve: Q = -100 + 75P - 25PX – 12.5PZ + 10R
Where Q = quantity
P = price
Y = income
R = rainfall
PX = price of product X
PZ = price of product Z
a. Is this product a normal good or inferior good? Explain.
b. Relate products X and Z to this product.
c. Suppose The prices of goods X and Z are $5 and $8 respectively and Y = 8,000 and R = 20. Provide the demand and supply curves and calculate equilibrium.
d. Calculate consumer surplus for part (c)
e. Comment on whether a surplus or shortage exists when P = $1.25.
f. Suppose the new demand and supply curves are as follows:
Demand Curve: Q = -1250 – 25P + 12.5PX + 0.2 Y
Supply Curve: Q = 100 + 75P - 25PX – 12.5PZ + 10R
Find the new equilibrium. Illustrate what happened when comparing to the answer in part c.
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