Given that y_1(x)={e^{2x}} cos x and y_2(x)={e^{2x}} sin x are solutions to the homogeneous equati

Question: Given that \({{y}_{1}}\left( x \right)={{e}^{2x}}\cos x\) and \({{y}_{2}}\left( x \right)={{e}^{2x}}\sin x\) are solutions to the homogeneous equation


find the solutions to this equation that satisfy the following initial conditions:

(a) \(y\left( 0 \right)=2,\,\,y'\left( 0 \right)=1\)

(b) \(y\left( \pi \right)=4{{e}^{2\pi }},\,\,\,y'\left( \pi \right)=5{{e}^{2\pi }}\)

Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 2 pages
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