We found that the marketing research department for the company that manufacturers and sells memory

Question: We found that the marketing research department for the company that manufacturers and sells memory chips for microcomputers established the following price-demand and revenue functions.

\(p\left( x \right)=105-3x\) Price Demand Function

\(R\left( x \right)=xp\left( x \right)=x\left( 105-3x \right)\) Revenue Function

where p(x) is the wholesale price in dollars at which x million chips can be sold, and R(x) is in millions of dollars. Both functions have domain \(1\le x\le 21\)

A) Graph the Revenue Function

B) Find the output that will produce maximum revenue

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 2 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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