Three sets of points are described in the table below. For each set, decide whether there is a line

Question: Three sets of points are described in the table below. For each set, decide whether there is a line that passes through every point. If not, decide whether there is a line that comes close to every point.

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
\[{{x}_{1}}\] \[{{y}_{1}}\] \[{{x}_{2}}\] \[{{y}_{2}}\] \[{{x}_{_{3}}}\] \[{{y}_{3}}\]
2 -6 0 10 5 1
3 -2 1 4 6 2
4 2 2 -1 7 4
5 6 3 -6 8 8
6 10 4 -12 9 16

a) Set 1

b) Set 2:

c) Set 3:

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