(Steps Shown) You have 5 participants in a before and after study. Subject A has a before score of 14 and an after score of 16, Subject B has a before score

Question: You have 5 participants in a before and after study. Subject A has a before score of 14 and an after score of 16, Subject B has a before score of 13 and an after score of 19, Subject C has a before score of 10 and an after score of 15, Subject D has a before score of 12 and an after score of 17, and Subject E has a before score of 11 and an after score of 18. Is there a significant difference between the before scores and the after scores? Choose the proper test, report on the test statistic and critical value, and interpret the results. Show your work for full credit.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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