(See) A national trend predicts that women will account for half of all business travelers in the next 3 years. To attract these women business travelers,

Question: A national trend predicts that women will account for half of all business travelers in the next 3 years. To attract these women business travelers, hotels are providing more amenities that women particularly like. A recent survey of American hotels found that 70% offer hairdryers in the bathrooms. Consider a random and independent sample of 20 hotels.

a) Find the probability all of the hotels in the sample offered hairdryers.

b) Find the probability that more than 7 but less than 13 of the hotels in the sample offered hairdryers.

(where this probabilities are computed using Excel’s BINOMDIST function. See attached spreadsheet)

c) Find the probability that no more than 8 of the hotels in the sample offered hairdryers.

d) Find the probability that between 10 and 15 (inclusively) of the hotels in the sample offered hairdryers.

e) Find the probability that at least 9 of the hotels in the sample do NOT offer hairdryers.

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