(Step-by-Step) The Duckworth Drug Company is a large manufacturer of various kinds of liquid vitamins. The quality control department has noted that the

Question: The Duckworth Drug Company is a large manufacturer of various kinds of liquid vitamins. The quality control department has noted that the bottles of vitamins marked 6 ounces follow a normal distribution with a mean of 6 and a standard deviation of 0.3.

a) What percentage of all bottles produced contains more than 6.51 ounces of vitamins?

b) What percentage of all bottles produced contains less than 5.415 ounces?

c) What percentage of bottles produced contains between 5.46 and 6.495 ounces?

d) What percentage of the bottles contains between 6.3 and 6.6 ounces?

e) Ninety percent of the bottles will contain at least how many ounces?

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