[See Solution] Indicate which scale of measurement each of the following variables reflects: (1 pt each) Reaction time Urbanicity (where 1 = urban, 2 =

Question: Indicate which scale of measurement each of the following variables reflects: (1 pt each)

  1. Reaction time
  2. Urbanicity (where 1 = urban, 2 = suburban, and 3 = rural)
  3. The numbers on soccer players’ jerseys
  4. Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) score
  5. Type of psychotherapy
  6. University ranking (in terms of library holdings)
  7. Class size
  8. Religious affliation (1 = Protestant, 2 = Catholic, 3 = Jewish, ect)
  9. Restaurant rating (* to ****)
  10. Astrological sign
  11. Miles per gallon
    Price: $2.99
    Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 1 pages
    Deliverable: Word Document

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