[Solution] The Hickory Cabinet and Furniture Company produces sofas, tables, and chairs at its plant in Greensboro, north Carolina. The plant uses three

Question: The Hickory Cabinet and Furniture Company produces sofas, tables, and chairs at its plant in Greensboro, north Carolina. The plant uses three main resources to make furniture-wood, upholstery, and labor. The resource requirements for each piece of furniture and the total resources available weekly are as follows:

Resource Requirements

Wood (lb) Upholstery (yd) Labor (hr)

Sofa 7 12 6

Table 5 - 9

Chair 4 7 5

Total available resources 2,250 1,000 240 ___

The furniture is produced on a weekly basis and stored in a warehouse until the end of the week, when it is shipped out. The warehouse has a total capacity of 650 pieces of furniture. Each sofa earns $400 in profit, each table, $275, and each chair, $190. The company wants to know how many pieces of each type of furniture to make per week to maximize profit.

  1. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem.
  2. Solve the model by using the computer.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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