(See Solution) It was hypothesized that brain-damaged patients would - #80036

Intermediate Statistics Exercise

It was hypothesized that brain-damaged patients would score lower on the Willner Unusual Meanings Vocabulary Test (WUMV), which measures knowledge of unusual meanings of familiar words, and the Willner-Sheerer Analogy Test (WSA) than on the vocabulary items of the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). A random sample of 13 brain-damaged patients took all three tests. The order of administration of the test was randomized independently for each patient. The dependent variable was the subject’s standard score on each test. According to the test norms, all three tests have a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. The following data were obtained.

SPSS projects

a. Test the null hypothesis (Ho: \({{\mu }_{WAIS}}\) = \({{\mu }_{WMUV}}\) = \({{\mu }_{WSA}}\) ) that the means of the test scores are equal for the population of brain-damaged patients. Use α=.05.

b. If appropriate, choose a multiple comparison procedure to make all pairwise comparisons between subtest means. Justify your choice and perform this procedure.

c. Write up your findings as a paragraph for the results section of an APA journal.

Price: $24.95
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 5 pages, and 510 words
Deliverable: Word Document and pdf

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