[Answer] Consider a test of the H0: T = B vs. HA: T B. Use - #80216

Statistical Power:

(a) Consider a test of the H0­: mT = m vs. HA: mT ¹ m. Use Minitab or R to find the power of the a=.05 test if nT = 30 and mT is larger than mby 5 points. Assume that the true standard deviation of the differences sD = 30. Do not use the Minitab Power and Sample size menu item – use the cumulative distribution function command, or use R’s pt() function.

(b) Construct a well-labeled plot featuring overlaid power curves (power vs. mD) for nT =20, 40, 60 for the a=0.05 test of part (a), assuming sD =30. Label this as though it will be featured in the report to the engineers.

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