[Solved] Create scatterplot including the trend line, R2 and the regression equation. - #80029

Problem 1.

Use the columns labeled Y1 & X1

  1. Create scatterplot including the trend line, R2 and the regression equation.
  2. Compute the regression and create the diagnostic plots discussed in chapter 8.
  3. Interpret the regression and scatterplot.
Problem 2.

Use the columns labeled Y2 X2

  1. Create the scatterplot, trend line, R2 and the regression equation.
  2. Compute the Pearson correlation + p-value.
  3. Calculate the regression statistics.
  4. Create diagnostic plots of residuals vs. calculated values.
  5. Interpret this regression.
Problem 3.

Use columns Y3 , X31 , X32

  1. Create a correlation matrix (no Spearman rank correlation) plus a scatterplot matrix of the variables.
  2. Compute the regression.
  3. What is significant in this regression? Compare significance of t-ratios with scatterplot matrix.
  4. Do a scatterplot of residuals vs. the predicted values of Y3.
  5. Are the assumptions OK or violated? Defend your answer.
Problem 4.

Use columns Y4 & X4.

  1. Create the scatterplot with trend line, R2 and equation.
  2. Create a line diagram for both variables.
  3. Anything look funny?
  4. Do the regression.
  5. Create a scatterplot of the residuals vs. the computed values of Y.
  6. Discuss the assumptions.
Price: $72.95
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 15 pages, and 921 words
Deliverable: Word Document and pdf

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