See Solution: 1 Brief description of variables that were selected - #80062

Assignment: Unit 1 IP

1 Brief description of variables that were selected for assignment and why (please note that all 250 observations for each variable selected are to be used.)

2. Table of qualitative and quantitative data selected from the survey : (copy and paste here only the data that you used. (please do not include any data that is not used in your submission))

3. Calculation of Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Variance for selected data as applicable: (show formulas, calculations, and explain what these statistical tools show about the data; if these calculations are not relevant for a variable you have chosen, the reason why this is the case should be clearly explained.)

Variable analyzed : _________________ Type of variable: Qualitative/quantitative


Standard Deviation:


(repeated for second variable)

4. a) Clearly labeled charts/graphs for each variable

4. b) Explanation of why charts/graphs are important

5. final part of report summarizing findings (using the following headings-a. Introduction; b. The variables selected (data does not need to be repeated here); c. Discussion of findings of data analysis; d. Summary: (general application of the results in the real world); e. definitions of relevant terms

Price: $34.550000000000004
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 7 pages, and 408 words
Deliverable: Word Document and pdf

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