Show your calculations for the sample covariance: (2,10), (5,8), (5,2), (12,-4). (If the grader can't

  1. Show your calculations for the sample covariance: (2,10), (5,8), (5,2), (12,-4).
    ( If the grader can't read your work, he may decline to grade it.)
  2. Same data set.
    (2,10), (5,8), (5,2), (12,-4).
    Give the values of these statistics. No work required.
    Now use the above values to compute the coefficient of correlation. Show this calculation .
  3. In one complete sentence , interpret the value of r that you computed above.
  4. Show your calculation of the least squares line coefficients. ( You can use any values above.)
  5. Give the equation of the least squares line: ______________________ (4pts)
  6. Show your calculation: What value of y does this model predict for x = 7? (2pts)
    y = __________
  7. Show your calculation of \({{r}^{2}}\), using the SST and SSR. (12pts)
  8. Show your computation of the F statistic for regression significance. (2pts)
  9. Give the critical value of (2pts)
  10. Explain in a complete sentence: Is there a significance regression relation between x and y and why?
Price: $7.81
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 5 pages, 281 words.
Deliverable: Word Document

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