Instant oatmeal mix is considering adding flavors to its mix. 200 people tested the flavors and gave preferences.

  1. Instant oatmeal mix is considering adding flavors to its mix. 200 people tested the flavors and gave preferences. Is there a preference for flavor at the .05 level? State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s) compute test value, make the decision, and summarize results.
    Plain 20
    Cinnamon 58
    Apple 48
    Maple 22
    Peach 52
  2. Poll shows that 74% of respondents felt other motorists were driving more aggressively than they did five years ago, 23% felt that other motorists were driving the same way they did 5 years ago, and 3% felt other motorists were driving less aggressively than they were driving 5 years ago. A sample survey of 180 senior drivers found that 125 felt that other motorists were driving more aggressively than they did 5 years ago, 36 felt that other motorists were driving about the same as they did 5 years ago, and 19 felt that other motorists were driving less aggressively than they did 5 years ago. At a significance level of .10 test the claim that senior drivers feel the same way as those who surveyed in the poll. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical values, compute test value, make decision, summarize results.
  3. Given following information is the grade dependent on gender? Test at the .05 level. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical values, compute test value, make decision, summarize results.
    A      B       C     D or lower
    Males          8      17      25    10
    Females       12     10      21    7
  4. Suppose researcher wants to investigate whether proportion of smokers within different age groups is the same.  He divides the American population into 4 age groups. Within each age group, he surveys 80 individuals and asks, "have you smoked at lease one cigarette in the past week?" . Test at the .01 level. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s), compute test value, make decision, summarize results. Results of survey are as follows:
    18-29     30-49     50-63      65 or order
    Smoked at least 1 past week      24         21        23           12
    Did not smoke at least 1 cig in past wk 56         59        57           68
  5. Record store employee claims median age of customer is 17. Test at the .01 level if population was not normally distributed. State the hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s), compute test value, make decision summarize results.

Dates are shown here:

15  16  14  13  12  11  18  19

20  21  25  27  16  15  14  12

7.  Are these answers for a true-false test in random order? State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s), compute test value, make decision, summarize results.

T  T  F  T  F  F  T  T  T  F  F  T  F  F  T  T  F  F  T  T

8.  Children and adults ranked 6 different soft drinks. Use spearman rank correlation coefficient to test if there is a relationship between how adults and children rank soft drinks. Test at the .05 level. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s), compute test value, make decision and summarize results.

Brand               children                 adults

A                        1                          2

B                         2                         1

C                        5                          5

D                         4                         4

E                         3                         3

F                         6                          6

9. Students asked to rate teacher on scale of 1 to 20. Students were grouped by grade they made in class. Is there a difference in ranks given by students with different grades? Test at .01 level. Assume that population is not normally distributed, so use Kruskal-Wallis test. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s), compute test value, make decision, summarize results.

A or B         C          D or F

16               19           12

17               18            14

18                16           15

15                14            10

16                 19            12


10. Group of dieters started exercise program. Is there a difference in the weight loss without and with exercise at .05 level. Use paired sample sign test. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical value(s), compute test value, make decision, summarize results.

Average weight loss per week

dieter   no exercise    with exercise

1         2                     3

2          3                     3.5

3          1                    1.5

4          2.5                   3

5          4                      6

6         2                      4

7         4                      3

8         5                      6.5

9         5                      5

10        4                      6.5

11.  If null hypothesis is rejected in this problem use Scheffe test if the sample sizes are unequal to test the differences between the means, and use the Tukey test if the sample sizes are equal. For this problem, state hypotheses and identify the claim, find the critical value(s), compute the test value, make the decision, summarize the results.

The weights in ounces of 4 types of women's shoes are shown here. At a=0.05 test the claim that there is no difference in the mean weights of the groups.

Dress Heals  Dress Flats  Casual Heels  Casual Flats

8                     6                    11                    6

7                     6                     12                    9

7                    7                     12                    7


x sub 1 = 7           x sub 2 = 6.3          x sub 3 = 11.7         x sub 4 = 7.3

s sub 1 = .82      s sub 2 = .58        s sub 3 = .58        s sub 4 = 1.53

Price: $27.66
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 12 pages, 1566 words and 7 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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