Career Planning for Life

In most post secondary schools guidance councilors appear to get a kick out of planning your life for you. Career planning day seems to really get their juices going. Some students have a directed mind set and are quite certain about what they want to do. Others are afloat and just aren’t sure at the moment. It’s important to plan well in advance so you can channel your education according to your desired profession.

Personality Traits

Your career should depend upon your personality and what you like to do. If you have an aptitude and liking towards science, then engineering or medicine may be good options. However, if you prefer the arts, then writing or journalism may be a better choice. It’s important to choose a career that inspires you. It’s also vital that you have a natural aptitude towards it. An introvert would not do very well as a politician so the first step is to determine what you like to do.

Career Planning

Educate Yourself

Career planning starts early. In today’s world of fierce competition it’s important to equip yourself with the right tools to help you succeed. This means you need to get certified or educated in your field of choice. A basic degree is essential to get you started. From there you can specialize in more defined areas. An important aspect of career planning is research. Learn as much as possible about your desired career. This will help you prepare better.

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