Billy Shagger, who you met above, has been battling weeds on several of the fairways at the Olde Cou
Question: Billy Shagger, the golf pro at the Prescott Olde and Ancient Golf Course (it’s not that old but folks there like to think golf was invented there) has been watching and charting just how long it takes golfers to play an 18-hole game of golf. He knows that from experience it take a foursome (four players) about 275 minutes to play with a standard deviation of 14 minutes. He watched 8 foursomes (32 players), (one of the foursomes was let by Mayor Davidson, (which may account for it taking so long; if only he would shut up!) play last week and he found that they took some 284 minutes to play. What is the probability of seeing this high of a mean? Develop the null and research hypothesis and show your work.
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