A market research analyst for Sale Mart discount department store chain wanted to test the claim tha

Question: A market research analyst for Sale Mart discount department store chain wanted to test the claim that women and men apparently make impulse (i.e., unplanned or unanticipated) purchases in equivalent percentages when shopping at their stores, or do women make fewer impulse purchases? According to the evidence collected, 80 out of 400 women admitted making an impulse purchase, whereas 70 out of 200 men did. At the 0.5% level of significance, test the claim about these differences in proportions, and draw a reasonable conclusion based upon the available evidence. [COMMENTS & HINTS: Is this a one-tailed or two-tailed test? If one-tailed, which tail? Use a pooled proportion when computing the test statistic.]

Price: $2.99
Answer: The downloadable solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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