The top food snacks consumed by adults aged 18-54 are gum, chocolate candy, fresh fruit, potato chip

Question: The top food snacks consumed by adults aged 18-54 are gum, chocolate candy, fresh fruit, potato chips, breath mints/candy, ice cream, nuts, cookies, bars, yogurt, and crackers. Out of a random sample of 25 men, 15 ranked fresh fruit in their top five snack choices. Out of a random sample of 32 women, 22 ranked fresh fruit in their top five snack choices. Is there a difference in the proportion of men and women who rank fresh fruit in their top five list of snacks?

(a) State the hypotheses and a decision rule for α = .10.

(b) Calculate the sample proportions.

(c) Find the test statistic and its p-value. What is your conclusion?

(d) Is normality assured?

(Data are from The NPD Group press release, "Fruit #1 Snack Food Consumed by Kids,"

June 16, 2005.)

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