You are an attorney working for the prestigious law firm of Plato Solomon Confucius Thomas. You hav
Question: You are an attorney working for the prestigious law firm of Plato Solomon Confucius & Thomas. You have received a pro bono case that is extremely important to one of the senior partners. Your future with this firm, including a possible future partner position is on the line. Your performance is graded by your thoroughness and accuracy, not whether your results are pleasing to your client. The case is briefly described below:
Ms. Justice Denied was recently divorced from her very wealthy and well known husband, Mr. Big Bucks. Ms. Denied received nothing in the divorce decree due to the fantastic job by Mr. Bucks famous law firm. She can live with this, but is absolutely devastated that the court has awarded custody of her son, Courage, to her husband. She has been ordered to turn him over to his father on May 1, so time is of the essence.
Ms. Denied, an attractive African-American woman, feels that the jury was biased against her because the nearly all-Caucasian male jury sided with her Caucasian ex husband. Her only hope for a retrial rests with your determination that the jury was not truly a jury of her peers. You will do this by examining the data, performing the appropriate tests of significance for race, gender, and for race and gender combined.
The county where Ms. Denied resides has a population that includes 92,815 registered voters from which the jury was selected. This group includes a 32% African-American group, of which 58% are female. Overall the group is composed of 54% female and 46% male. The jury was comprised of 12 people that included 1 African-American female, 1 African-American male, 8 Caucasian males, and 2 Caucasian females.
You will perform three tests of significance to test for discrimination of jury selection. The first will be one that tests the African-American proportion of the jury, the second will be one that tests the female proportion of the jury, and the final one will be one that tests the female African-American proportion of the jury. For each, the courts at have set the level of significance a =. 05. For each you must report your hypotheses, the test statistic, the p-value, and your conclusion. Then you must include a brief memo to the senior partner in charge, Ms. Thomas, explaining your findings in layman's terms which the client can understand, which says whether we may or may not have a case for a retrial.
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