A report on egg consumption shows that people living in China eat an average of mean m = 196 eggs ea

Question: Refer to problem #8. Construct the 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals for \[{{\mu }_{1}}-{{\mu }_{2}}\] where \[{{\mu }_{1}}\] represents the population mean number of drinks for female sophomores and \[{{\mu }_{2}}\] presents the population mean number of drinks for male sophomores. Write a few sentences comparing your confidence interval results with the hypothesis test results in #8.

Female students Male students
\[\overline{{{x}_{1}}}=4.14\]drinks \[\overline{{{x}_{2}}}=6.43\]drinks
\[{{s}_{1}}=2.3765\]drinks \[{{s}_{1}}=3.4805\]drinks
\[{{n}_{1}}=53\] \[{{n}_{2}}=60\]
population mean m1 population mean m2
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