Use Minitab to solve this problem. To examine the relationship between the size (in square feet) of

Question: Use Minitab to solve this problem. To examine the relationship between the size (in square feet) of a store and its annual sales (in thousands of Dollars), a sample of 14 stores was selected. The results for those 14 stores are summarized in the table below.

Store Size (x) Sales (y)
1 1,726 3,681
2 1,642 3,895
3 2,816 6,653
4 5,555 9,543
5 1,292 3,418
6 2,208 5,563
7 1,313 3,660
8 1,102 2,694
9 3,151 5,468
10 1,516 2,898
11 5,161 10,674
12 4,567 7,585
13 5,841 11,760
14 3,008 4,085

a. Fit the least squares line to the data to write the simple linear regression equation.

b. Plot the data and graph the least squares line as a check on your calculations.

c. Is the predictor “Size” significant at ?=0.05?

d. Interpret the meaning of the slope parameter ?1.

e. Evaluate the assumptions (check on ? is i.i.d. N(0,?2)).

f. What are the values of SSE and s2? What does “s” mean?

g. What is the 95% Confidence Interval for the slope?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 7 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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