A study was run on the effectiveness of a medication for a medical condition, results below. Develop

Question: A study was run on the effectiveness of a medication for a medical condition, results below. Develop the null and alternative hypotheses for this study. Test the relationship between outcoMeand treatment using chi-square analysis. Based on your analysis will you accept or reject the null hypothesis at a 95% confidence level? Explain the significance of this finding for medical treatment.

Treatment Group

Outcome: Placebo 1.6 g/d 2.4 g/d
In remission 2 6 6
Improved 8 13 15
Maintained 12 11 14
Worsened 22 14 8



Probability: _____

Chi-square: _____ (test statistic)

Critical Value: _____ (threshold)


Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 5 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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