An agent claims that there is no difference between the pay of safeties and linebackers in the NFL.

Question: A medical researcher wishes to see whether the variance of the heart rates (in beats per minute) of smokers is different from the variance of heart rates of people who do not smoke. Two samples are selected, and the data are shown. Using \(\alpha =0.05\), is there enough evidence to support the claim?

Heart Rates of Smokers Heart Rates of Non-Smokers
82 94 95 82 75 68 73 72 70 67
92 82 91 83 67 63 66 92 77 84
92 90 89 98 88 77 64 92 60 65
83 95 98 80 71 65 94 66 78 67
88 91 95 80 67 93 90 74 68 92
97 80 93 89 81 92 94 85 66 66
89 91 88 85 74 93 90 77 61 64
Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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