A hospital emergency room analyzed n=17,664 hourly observations on its average occupancy rates using

Question: A hospital emergency room analyzed n=17,664 hourly observations on its average occupancy rates using six binary predictors representing days of the week and two binary predictors representing the 8 hour work shift (12am-8am, 8am-4pm, 4pm-12am) when the ER census was taken. The fitted regression equation was

AvgOccupancy=11.2+1.19*Mon - 0.187*Tues - 0.785*Wed - 5.80*Thur - 0.451*Fri-2.67 Saturday - 4.58*Shift1- 1.65*Shift2

(se = 6.18 r2 =.094, r2 =.093)

a. why did the analyst use only six binaries for days when there are 7 days in a week

b. why did the analyst use only tow work shift binaries when there were 3 work shifts

c. which is the busiest day

d. which is the busiest shift

e. interpret the intercept

f. assess the regression fit

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Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 2 pages
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